The Older Actress

Imagine, you are this older actress, who used

To get different movie roles all the time when 

you were younger.

You used to get sexy roles, the girl next door roles, 

the wild role, the lawyer and doctor roles.

Now that you’re older it’s either you are not getting any

roles or the role you do get are usually 

the older mom or to be a grandma. 

That might break something inside you because you know

You could play different characters.  

You feel like they´ve reduce you to being a mom or a grandmother

As if being older mean that you can´t play different characters

They make you feel old.

It doesn´t help when you go on social media 

There´s constant videos talking about botox and plastic surgery.

There is constant new filters to make you look younger

What some older actresses do is give in to the pressure of

botox and plastic surgery.

Then, they get judge for it.